Too deaf to hear their voices…
Too blind to see their faces…
Too calloused to feel their touch…
Too mute to tell their story…
The voices that cry out in longing,
The faces that have become invisible,
The touch that has been shunned,
The story that has been muted.
I need an ear to hear their voice…
I need eyes to see theirs looking into mine…
I need a broken heart to feel their pulse…
I need a voice to tell their story…
I need you, God.
Teach me to open my ears to hear their cry.
Teach me to open my eyes to see the invisible.
Teach me to open my arms to beckon them.
Teach me to open my mouth to scream for the mute.
Teach me to love.
Tear away the wax in my ears.
Tear away the scales on my eyes.
Tear away the shell ‘round my heart.
Tear away the muzzle on my mouth.
Tear away ME until only LOVE remains.
Thanks for sharing! We are all parying for you and the lives that God will touch through you. Remember that He is in control! Much Love,
Cousin Erin
love the pictures, the stories, and the damien rice lyrics:)
You're all doing such wonderful things! We're all praying for you. weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. (Ps 30.4-5) Much Love Dana
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