I want to be alive...to love. To be radical. To run with passion but not be afraid to come to a standstill. To talk about love. About politics. About philosophy. About the world. About social justice. About injustice. About faith. About religion. Heaven and hell. The supernatural. Music. Poetry. Paintings. Art. Wisdom. Listen to Death Cab For Cutie and Dave Matthews. Explosions in the Sky and Sigur Ros while watching the sun go down in its own explosion in the sky. Talk about social justice and the church while listening to U2. Pray while listening to This Will Destroy You. Dream about a new world, a new heart, and a new life while listening to Angels and Airwaves. Laugh and cry. Scream about injustice but whisper about love. Run through open fields and sit under the stars. Watch the nightlife and when we get bored of the city find the sunset and the sunrise. Be independent. Screw up badly but then try again and again. Write songs and poems. Love much and speak little. Enjoy the little things. Dance with abandon and cry freely. Learn what love is. Learn about sorrow and about hope. About despair. About poverty and about wealth. Feel loved, but experience loneliness. To run, to hide, as we tear down the walls that hold us back tonight. Run to a standstill and in that stillness, find the God of burning bushes and still breezes. Be still. Enjoy community. Find Jesus. Seek humility but tell their story. Study eyes. Get lost in beauty. Run away from rules to create our own. Cry with orphans and laugh with widows. Play with the children and wash their feet. Smile at and hug alcoholics, prostitutes, and drug addicts.
It is a new day. Things will never be the same. WE will never be the same... OH THE GLORY OF IT ALL! For His glory, make me alive because I am dead. Dead without his life... breathed into the world in the sunsets, sunrises, and stars...those explosions of light, sound, and color in the sky...The stars that light up the darkness. I want to be filled with that love, that life, that passion. I want to gaze at the sunset as if fades to black...dotted with the stars and talk about love. I want to look upon that love and talk about how small I am...how broken I must become. To learn together. To pray together. To love together and to love one another. To talk about Africa...about life... about God... about what it means to actually be ALIVE in this life. TO remind one another of our joy in light of the glorious rtiches given to us by the blood shed on that cross, so long ago. To learn together not to wait out the storm but to dance in the rain. To follow that light we see on the horizon. That speck of light at the end of the dark tunnel. The golden tear shed by the eyes of God for this world. To chase that light, that unfathomable love, until we are called home. That incomprehensible, undeserved love for this world that has rejected that light and that love. To chase that forever...To pick each other up when big feet and long legs trip us up...to trip, but then to look up and find the light once more. To pour ourselves out again and again... offering hope to the hopeless and love to the unlovable.
We must open our eyes to the world...screaming at the injustice we see but whispering love to those persecuted by that injustice. Loving much but speaking little. We must be still, but run as fast as we can all the while listening to Love and screaming that love through our eyes...our hands... and our feet as we seek what it means to be the hands and feet of Christ. Learning what it means to actually BE the CHURCH...not an institution but an organism that is eternally alive and changing...promoting life. We must learn that this life is not about the destination but that it is about the journey.
Walk this earth, always looking for that which we haven't found, but that which we are looking for. Recognize that we are not defined by what we do, but that we must recognize who we are...and let that define what we do. But finally, I want to be aware...aware of love, of providence, of people, and of this world...and then maybe I'll be alive.
Be radical but ordinary.
"May we find the Way, the Truth, and the Life in a world of shortcuts, deception, and death."
-Shane Claiborne
this is like "the blue day book" only better!
the blue day book
one day you can right a book about that which you learn matters in life. keep learning. your book withh be better. Pictures of people. cause that is what matters. and people are hurting. keep learning. change the world. one step at a time. How many streps can we take. how often will selfish thoughts take over?
re link
So what kind of food do you like to eat? Where do you wash your clothes? What kind of currency do they use? What is the exchange rate? Are there other relief agencies working nearby? CARE? UNICEF? Junior League? Do they have to deal with a lot of government corruption/interference? Are Jill and Bethany dreaming of a white Christmas, just like the ones they used to know in Canada? Have you seen any tigers or camels? Is the water safe to drink? How do you know? One way to prevent orphans in developing countries is to prevent birth. Do they practice birth control where you are? Glue sniffing seems to be a big problem like sniffing paint is in some parts of the developed world. Does the government try to control the access these kids have to glue? What kind of industry do they have there? Is everything agricultural? What is the closest big city to where you are? Why is AIDS so much worse there than it is in other undeveloped countries? Is it a culture thing?
Your blog would be more interesting if you included a little more substance. Obviously things are bad and there is unjustice in the world. Tell us a little about the things that contribute to all of these problems. Do you have a strategy for fixing any of them?
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