Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Purpose of the blog and random assorted information...

Hey everybody,

Seeing as this is the first blog type entry, I figured that I might try and communicate our desire for the purpose of this blog. A couple of days ago, we were trying to figure out how we could possibly hope to keep up with emails and post pictures with our limited internet access moving at the speed of slow. Facebook, as it proposes, is the perfect social utility, allowing the uploading of pictures, blogs, contact info, and anything else you can think of. However, we realized that most of the world over thirty does not have a facebook account, thereby eliminating that option for the sake of our parents, supporters, friends, and family. Therefore, we decided to create a blog where we could post photos, journal, blog, and give updates about our present location and work. So here I am. We're not completely in love with blogger because of the difficulty of uploading pictures, so I may upload all my pictures to Picasa Web Albums on Google and post the link on the blog so that people can go back and forth somewhat seamlessly.

Though we may still try to email and do mass emails and reply to the emails we receive to some extent, that is much more expensive than the three of us collaborating on this blog site with all of our pictures, observations, ideas, epiphanies, inside jokes (which, if posted, would become not inside-jokes), hilarious moments, sad moments, and anything else we feel like writing about or posting.

So, that is the idea. We hope you enjoy and maybe just maybe, something one of us writes will inspire, encourage, convict, or help some of you who may have the absolute and previously unsurpassed "privilege" of vicariously enjoying Africa with us.

Love to all,

Will Watson

P.S. Here is some random info that some of you may want to know...

Link to Will's Picasa Web Albums: Click here

Textable Cell Phone Number [due to costs, you may or may not get a reply ;-) But we'll try.) +245724537801

Current Location (Subject to change- especially in the next few days): Westlands, Nairobi, Kenya

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